Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sekinchan Ultra Marathon 2019

Date          : 30th November 2019

Venue        :Sekinchan

Distance    : 100km (Ultra Marathon)

BIB No.    : 10243

Timing       : 16:51:03

2 loop for 100km runner

Sekinchan Ultra Marathon, so call Malaysia flattest Marathon. Only 104 meter elevation gain for 100km distance. I alway want to try 100KM Ultra Marathon at least once 😁 . Sigh up the event eventually with my IronMan buddy Jhin & Dennis.

Packing & planing for nutrition and intake for the race.

We rent an apartment near by to calm down stressful emotional. 

Visit Redang beach Sekinchan 

must enjoy local grill fish

We try to recce 1 round at night to understand the road condition and darkness

Supper loading

Exploring near by kampung

Need a wash tomorrow after then event if i still have energy

Lets take a Pre race picture 

Found our name in the banner

Donald Goh, you need to come back yah

Dennis, me and Jhin 👍

Capt Yip, Jhin, Me and Dennis for 100km

Smile while you can, 120mins before the race
Briefing by course director, race will be start by 5pm sharp

Meet my hasher kaki, Big mounth monkey 
Aiyah, did't know there is a camera in front 
Lucky Dennis

Rain start just less than 5km run

Not that heavy but wet up the show and sock.

Rain stop in just less than 20 mins.

cooling and nice scenery

6hr for my FM, not bad rite.

7.30hrs for my 1st 50km as planned. 
 30 mins rest, change sock and Jersey. I have planed to rest for 1hr before going for my 2nd loop of 50km. However looking at many Ultra runner surrender their bib and DNF their run, i started to worry and decided to go out earlier.

I always change to have and refresh for my ultra run  
As usual for an Ultra Marathon, mid night is the toughest period of time to stay awake due to our sleeping hour. Ruuning alone in the dark, cold and exhausted situation always make you want to surrender. I keep remind myself to keep walking no matter how tired. I have a time schedule to catch to avoid COT at the water station.

5am in the morning, 75km done. Balance 25km with 5hrs sound very achievable  and easy. This is where you start to feel the pain and tired. You will want to give up every step and keep asking yourself why wanna pay and suffer in this kind of event. No more next time lah, this is the 1st and the last lah bla bla bla...... hahha this is all the runner BONK emotional during the race.

I only left 2 minutes before the COT at the last water station and KM92. now my balance 4km with 1hr should be no problem to cross no matter how slow i walk. No No No, that is not the way. that is not your normal morning walk of 4km. This 4km is killing, is crazy, your leg is about to give up after 96km of non stop walking and running. Pain Pain Pain is the pressure that you cannot take it. Walk and sit for 5 mins is the method of how i walk back the last 4km. Also with the encouragement of other participate by saying "Uncle respect lah, you do 100km" then i need to accept and tolerate the pain.

KEEP WALKING Donald Goh, you can do it, you can finish it.

 16hr 48mins for my 100km ultra marathon
Yes, I'm done. VISTORY

Thanks BFF Dennis help to recorded this precious moment. This video shows that how painful is your leg and how much your leg listen to your instruction.

This is really a hard earn medal

Congratulation QQ, you have complete your 1st 30km Marathon. 


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